A Recovery Support Specialist and Social Work student in the state of Connecticut trying to aid in people's recovery journeys and play my part in the mental health field. ❤️🩹🦋

Taking the next step can be hard, but these resources can be a great support to take that step forward.
General Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness CT
NAMI Connecticut is part of the nation's largest grassroots mental health organization dedicated to building better lives for the millions of Americans affected by mental illness. They offer support groups, education, resources, advocacy and more.
Resources to Recover
Rtor.org is a gateway to mental health resources. They offer a free online service that helps people connect with expert treatment and support.
Community Health Resources(CHR)
CHR is the most comprehensive, non-profit behavioral healthcare provider in Connecticut, offering a wide range of personalized services for children, families and adults whose lives have been touched by mental illness, addiction or trauma.
The Hub CT
They support & coordinate behavioral health initiatives (mental health, suicide prevention, substance misuse, and problem gambling) in Connecticut. They have a masterlist of resources on their website, and they also have lists of peer support groups, treatment guides and more that people can utilize.
Toivo is a peer-run community and a safe place to find support and understanding for mental health, addiction and trauma, located in Hartford CT. They offer many workshops and support groups, with specific topics such as LGBTQIA+ individuals, trauma and suicide prevention, and specific groups for both men and women. They also offer many holistic healing workshops.
Kiva Centers
They have various free, online peer support groups weekly -- the organization is focused on peer-led and trauma-informed healing. https://kivagroups.carrd.co/
Child Mind Institute
The Child Mind Institute is dedicated to transforming the lives of children and families struggling with mental health and learning disorders by giving them the help they need to thrive. They provide education and resources for families.
What is Mental Health?(Article)
What is Mental Illness?(Article)

A mental health crisis is nothing to be ashamed of. You deserve to stay safe with tools and supports that work for you.
Crisis Text Line(741741)
Offers 24/7 text-based support for people in an acute mental health crisis and/or severe emotional distress. Text HOME to 741741 from anywhere in the United States, anytime. Crisis Text Line is here for any crisis. A live, trained Crisis Counselor receives the text and responds from a secure online platform.
Suicide Prevention Line(988)
The Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones. 988 can be both texted and called.
THRIVE Lifeline(+1.313.662.8209)
THRIVE Lifeline offers 24/7 judgment-free, confidential text messaging to individuals aged 18+, with a specific focus on BIPOC, Disabled, Neurodivergent and LGBTQIA+ individuals. Many crisis responders on this line share similar identities to texters! Please text “THRIVE” to begin your conversation from anywhere.
211 Connecticut
211 can connect you with a local crisis responder, either in person or on the phone. Call 211, then press 1 to connect with someone who can find you support.
REACH Warmline(1-866-927-6225)
Through CHR, offers emotional support from 6pm-10pm, 7 days a week. Call 1-866-927-6225 to connect with a warmline counselor.
Veterans Crisis Line
Free, 24/7, confidential support is a click away. The Veterans Crisis Line can help even if you’re not enrolled in VA benefits or health care.
List of Coping Skills(Article)
Mental Health Crisis(Article)

Recovery is hard, but you do not have to do it alone. You deserve a healthy relationship with your body and food.
Eating Disorders
Project Heal
Project HEAL’s vision is to create a world where everyone with an eating disorder has the opportunities & resources they need to heal. Their programs break down systemic, healthcare, and financial barriers that millions of people in the U.S. face when trying to recover. They offer free screenings, insurance navigation, financial assistance and a treatment placement program.
Collective of trans+, intersex, and gender diverse people who focus on supporting marginalized individuals in Eating Disorder recovery. https://fedupcollective.org/
Eating Disorders Hope
An online community that offers resources, education, support, and inspiration to those struggling with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, body image issues, and a myriad of other disordered eating behaviors.
Eating Disorder Symptoms and Warning Signs(Articles)
Anorexia Nervosa(Article)
Bulimia Nervosa(Article)
Binge Eating Disorder(Article)
Orthorexia Nervosa(Article)
Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder(Article)
Compulsive Exercise(Article)
Recovery Affirmations

OCD and Anxiety
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Anxiety Disorders can be exhausting- I know that first hand. But they do not need to run your life. You can take the control back!
Anxiety & Depression Association of America
Raises awareness for anxiety and mood related mental health conditions, and provides education, resources, webinars, online peer support groups, and more.
International Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Foundation
The mission of the IOCDF is to ensure that no one affected by OCD and related disorders suffer alone. They provide a ton of resources, trainings, apps to help manage OCD symptoms, a virtual community and more.
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder(Article)
Body Dysmorphic Disorder(Article)
Body Focused Repetitive Behaviors(Article)
Social Anxiety Disorder(Article)
Generalized Anxiety Disorder(Article)
Panic Attacks(Article)
Panic Disorder(Article)
Coping With Anxiety(Article)

Surviving trauma can make our world feel like it has been turned upside down! But there are plenty of resources available to help you navigate the healing process.
PTSD Alliance
An organization dedicated to improving the lives of those with PTSD and their loved ones, as well as those who have developed addiction due to trauma. http://www.ptsdalliance.org/
CPTSD Alliance
An organization that raises awareness for and supports those living with Complex PTSD.
What is Trauma(Article)
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder(Article)
Complex Trauma and PTSD(Article)
Trauma Affirmations and Printables

Sexual Trauma and Domestic Violence
Abuse is one of the hardest things a person can go through, especially when it is sexual in nature or from the hands of a partner. As someone who has experienced many forms of sexual abuse, assault and harassment from a very young age, I know how dehumanizing and isolating the experience can be. You deserve to be loved, respected and heard. You matter, and it was not your fault. From one survivor to another, I am sending all the love in the world to you.
RAINN is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization. RAINN created and operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline (800.656.HOPE/800.656.4673, online.rainn.org, rainn.org/es). RAINN also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence, help survivors, and ensure that perpetrators are brought to justice. https://www.rainn.org/
National Sexual Violence Resource Center
The National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) is the leading nonprofit in providing information and tools to prevent and respond to sexual violence. NSVRC translates research and trends into best practices that help individuals, communities and service providers achieve real and lasting change. https://www.nsvrc.org/
Joyful Heart Foundation
Since 2004, Joyful Heart has been a leading national organization with a mission to transform society’s response to sexual assault, domestic violence, and child abuse, support survivors’ healing, and end this violence forever. https://www.joyfulheartfoundation.org/
CT Alliance to End Sexual Violence
The mission of The Alliance is to prevent sexual violence in Connecticut and foster a statewide network of support for victims and survivors. They offer a variety of support and legal services, including a state-wide hotline that runs 24/7. (888) 999-5545 for English and (888) 568-8332 for Spanish. https://endsexualviolencect.org/
Connecticut Coalition Against Domestic Violence
CCADV is the voice against domestic violence across Connecticut. They lead a statewide network focused on advocacy, outreach and education. They have a hotline 1-888-774-2900, text line and online chat that runs 24/7. https://www.ctcadv.org/

Mood Disorders
From Major Depressive Disorder to Bipolar Disorders, these resources are great tools to help you navigate living with these misunderstood but all too common mental health disorders.
International Bipolar Foundation
International Bipolar Foundation focuses on mental health awareness, in addition to education, resources, and supportive connection for all who are touched by bipolar disorder. They also highlight and honor the multitude of remarkable contributions that those living with bipolar disorder continue to offer throughout our world. https://ibpf.org/
Anxiety & Depression Association of America Raises awareness for anxiety and mood related mental health conditions, and provides education, resources, webinars, online peer support groups, and more.
What is Major Depressive Disorder/Clinical Depression?(Article)
Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder(Article)
(Please note that this article uses cisgender women terminology, but in reality, anyone who is assigned female at birth can be impacted by PMDD; including non-binary individuals, transmasculine people and transgender men.)
Persistent Depressive Disorder(Article)
Postpartum Depression(Article)
Bipolar 1(Article)
Bipolar 2(Article)

Psychosis and Psychotic Disorders
Psychosis and related disorders are some of the most stigmatized mental health challenges in our sanist society. But it doesn't have to be this way. Here are some great resources for those impacted by these challenges. Whether you are someone with lived experience, someone supporting an individual experiencing psychosis-related challenges, or just someone who wants to learn more, these resources are for you.
Schizophrenia and Psychosis Action Alliance
Dedicated to helping those with Psychotic-Spectrum disorders, Schizophrenia & Psychosis Action Alliance stands for hope and recovery through the promotion of education, peer-based support programs, and better public policy.
Connecticut Hearing Voices Network
CTHVN partners with people who hear voices, see visions or have other unusual sensory perceptions, as well as their friends and family. They are working together to enhance current opportunities for voice-hearers to find and build strong peer communities through support groups and community education.
Early Psychosis Intervention Network
Accelerating advances in early psychosis care, recovery outcomes, and scientific discovery through a national early psychosis learning health care partnership.
Students With Psychosis
An organization supporting students who live with psychosis and related challenges.
Understanding Psychosis(Article)
Five Myths About Psychotic Disorders(Article)
What is Schizophrenia?(Article)
Schizoaffective Disorder(Article)

Personality Disorders
Personality Disorders are very misunderstood and heavily stigmatized. This is a safe spot for anyone with ANY diagnosis, as I am of the belief that no one should have their character judged based on a label.
National Education Alliance for Borderline Personality Disorder
They provide education, raise public awareness and understanding, decrease stigma, promote research, and enhance the quality of life of those affected by Borderline Personality Disorder and/or related problems, including emotion dysregulation. They offer resources for BPD treatment and recovery as well as education for those living with BPD and their loved ones. https://www.borderlinepersonalitydisorder.org/
The Stigma Behind Narcissistic Personality Disorder(Article)
Understanding Antisocial Personality Disorder and Breaking Stigma(Article)
Histrionic Personality Disorder(Article)
OCD vs. Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder(Article)
Dependent Personality Disorder(Article)
Avoidant Personality Disorder(Article)
Paranoid Personality Disorder(Article)
Schizoid vs. Schizotypal(Article)

A list of resources for those who struggle with dissociation and for systems!
Multiplied By One Org: Trauma and Dissociative Disorders
An international nonprofit for trauma and dissociative disorders. Their services support those with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD), depersonalization, derealization, fugue, Maladaptive Daydreaming, Dissociative Identity Disorder, OSDD, and loved ones.
An Infinite Mind
An organization dedicated to helping those who struggle with dissociation.
Simply Plural(App)
An app for systems to track who is fronting and organize information about system members/alters.
What is Dissociation?(Article)
Depersonalization and Derealization(Article)
Dissociative Identity Disorder(Article)
Alter Functions(Article)

Substance Use/Addiction
Resources to aid in your addiction recovery.
Substance Use Resource Center
The Substance Use Resource Center is a publicly-available, national resource designed to support people seeking substance use treatment and recovery services. This resource is open to everyone, regardless of their insurance status. The Substance Use Resource Center connects individuals as well as friends and family of individuals in need with appropriate resources close to home from a source they can trust. https://www.bcbs.com/SURC
Treatment Finder Tool
This allows you to plug in your information to find addiction treatment near you. https://findtreatment.gov/
Alcoholics Anonymous
Recovery support for those with alcohol addiction.
Narcotics Anonymous
Recovery support for those with drug addiction.
What Is Addiction?(Article)

Your diverse and unique identity deserves to be celebrated and affirmed in all aspects of your recovery.
The Trevor Project
An organization dedicated to preventing suicide and promoting mental health for LGBTQ+ youth. They have a 24/7 line(text: 678-678, call: 1-866-488-7386 or chat online) for LGBTQ+ youth in crisis and provide peer and emotional support for LGBTQ+ youth.
Gives resources and support to LGBTQ+ individuals and their families. They have multiple branches in Connecticut.
National Center for Transgender Equality
A team of hard-working staff members supported by a nationwide community of transgender people, allies, and advocates with an extensive record of winning life-saving change for transgender people. They provide many helpful resources such as self-help guides, legal information, and more.
Bisexual Resource Center
The Bisexual Resource Center works to connect the bi+ community and help its members thrive through resources and support.
Asexual Visibility and Education Network
A place for Asexual and Allosexual individuals alike to find resources and information on all things Asexuality.
A place for Aromantic individuals to get support, resources and connect with other Aromantic individuals.
LGBT Definitions(Article)
Disability Resource Network
Disability Resource Network, Inc. is dedicated to providing adults with disabilities with the skills they need to thrive in their communities.
Autistic Self-Advocacy Network
The Autistic Self Advocacy Network seeks to advance the principles of the disability rights movement with regard to autism. ASAN believes that the goal of autism advocacy should be a world in which autistic people enjoy equal access, rights, and opportunities. They work to empower autistic people across the world to take control of their own lives. https://autisticadvocacy.org/
Support for ADHD/ADD.
The Asian Mental Health Project
Aims to educate and empower Asian communities seeking mental healthcare. https://www.asianmhc.org/
The Steve Fund
Organization focused on supporting the mental health and wellbeing of young people of color.
Boris Lawrence Henson Foundation
Mental health resources and crisis support for People of Color as well as ways to overcome the stigmas they face.
The BIPOC Project
Focuses on BIPOC mental health.
Institute for Muslim Mental Health
Committed to optimizing the Muslim community’s emotional health and well being by mobilizing a network of mental health professionals to ensure all American Muslims have access to high-quality resources.
Christian Mental Health Initiative
A program aimed to increase the mental health literacy of Christians around the world.
The Blue Dove Foundation
In many religious-based communities, discussions about mental illness and substance abuse tend to be rare, if they happen at all. As a result, many individuals and their families suffer in private and lack the information necessary to address their issues. The Blue Dove Foundation is working toward advancing these conversations in the Jewish community by eradicating shame and educating the community.
The Body Positive
Nonprofit organization that teaches people to listen to their bodies, learn and thrive.
The EPIC Foundation
501C3 non-profit organization that provides support, advocacy, and tools to those affected by chronic illnesses. The foundation staff, which includes trained psychologists, provides various resources to support patients and their caregivers.

Housing, Food Security, Transportation, Etc
It can be hard to focus on recovery without having a stable foundation for daily living. Things such as homelessness, food insecurity, poverty and more, can greatly interfere with recovery. Recovery Support Specialist's focus on the well-being of the individuals we support in every aspect, not just mental health. Here are some resources that can assist with transportation, housing, food access, finding hygiene products, and more.
211 Emergency Housing and Shelter
Enter your zip code to the 'My Location' field above to filter the resources in this section that may assist if you're in a housing crisis situation.
Habitat for Humanity of Eastern Connecticut
Organization that helps with housing.
Connecticut Access Network
Connecticut created the Coordinated Access Network (CAN) to assist people in need of emergency housing. CAN provides an accessible, standardized assessment and referral process to community resources across eight regions for people experiencing a housing crisis or homelessness.
Connecticut Foodshare
Supports individuals and families – from one end of the state to the other – by addressing root causes, creating long-term solutions, and distributing nutritious food through local partner programs in an effort to alleviate hunger.
End Hunger CT
Statewide anti-hunger nonprofit in Connecticut dedicated to eliminating hunger and promoting healthy nutrition through outreach, public education, and legislative and administrative advocacy.
Locally-operated transportation service for older adults and individuals with disabilities. Most Connecticut towns offer Dial-A-Ride programs either through direct operation, in a collaborative with other entities or by contracting with another provider.
Connecticut Transportation Solutions
ADA Transportation
Transportation for disabled individuals.
Low-Cost Therapy in Connecticut
A program of The Diaper Bank of CT, is the Connecticut Chapter of the Alliance for Period Supplies, which helps ensure individuals can access essential period products they need to fully participate in daily life.
Personal/Grooming Products Assistance in CT
The Cornerstone Foundation
The Cornerstone Foundation is a faith ministry with a mission to keep people safe, fed, housed and clothed. They provide help to the community with a community kitchen, three shelters, a food pantry, clothing bank, youth/outreach center and many vital annual initiatives.
Hands on Hartford
Hockanum Valley Community Council
A private nonprofit human services agency located in Vernon, Connecticut. HVCC is dedicated to meeting the needs of the residents of Hartford, Tolland, and Windham County areas.
Gifts of Love CT
Committed to supporting the basic living needs of individuals including food assistance, household items, and clothing.